Instructions for Fellows Voting by Mail Ballot
Look for your Mailer! It will say “Voter Instructions Enclosed”
Inside the envelope there will be:
- Official secret ballot
- Notice of mail ballot election
- Prepaid return envelope
Steps to vote for our union:
- Check YES for forming a union on the enclosed ballot.
- Fold ballot and place in the prepaid return envelope.
- Envelope will have the text “I believe I am an eligible voter in this election. I personally voted the within ballot.” on the outside along with a line to print your name and a line to sign your name. Print and then sign your name on the appropriate lines.
- Return ballot in the mail.
- Share that you’ve voted at
Ballots should be returned as soon as possible, but must be received by close of business on December 4th to be valid.
If you haven’t gotten a ballot by November 11th, call 771-444-5780 and leave a voicemail with:
- Your full name
- Spelling of your full name
- Case number WA-RP-23-0038
- Current valid mailing address